He's finally arrived!!
Ashton Garrett Flagan was born on 8/9/10 at 9:16pm weighing 7lbs 14oz and 20 inches long. He is also quite obedient because this was the exact day I had said would be the perfect day for him to come! My doctor had been out of town the week prior and I really wanted her to deliver him. Now the details:
I had been 5cm for over a week and at my 2:00pm Doctor Appt, she thought she broke the first layer of my bag of water, so she sent me right over to labor and delivery. I had a feeling that was going to happen, so we had all the bags in the car. My mom had driven me to the appointment and Adam met us at the hospital. Once I got there my contractions started coming every 2-7 min, but at 5:30pm I was still 5cm. I also realized that I had been having contractions for quite some time.... they just didn't hurt so I had figured it was just him stretching..... After receiving an epidural, Dr Files broke my water (the rest?) and that was all it took, I progressed to 8cm in an hour and then they actually had to slow my contractions down. I had him at after 6 pushes. We used a mirror this time and I really think that helped me with my pushes. I also am really excited to say that breastfeeding is going GREAT this time around (for those of you that knew my issues on nursing Madison).
Here are some of our favorite pictures from Ashton's first week.
McKenna Teen Summary: 15.75 Years Old
5 hours ago
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